I’ve recently found myself using nothing but point devices with no scroll wheel: my Mogo Bluetooth Wireless Mouse, my 3M Renaissance Ergonomic Mouse, my Dell Latitude laptop. One thing is missing: the ability to scroll. That is, until now.
History: About 10 years ago, when Steve Jenkins was running Windows95.com shareware site (which become download.com), he would select the best software each year and give it a “WINner Award.” One of the software products that deservedly earned that designation was Pointix Scroll ++, a handy little app that sits in the Windows tray and allows you to scroll by holding and dragging the left (or center) mouse button. Back in those days, the first scroll wheel mouse was just released and Scroll ++ gave “old school mice” the ability to scroll without one. I downloaded it, gave it a try, and purchased it instantly. But soon the scroll wheel became common place in the cheapest mice, Pointix was acquired and disappeared into oblivion, and this piece of software history was all but forgotten.
Fast-forward to present day: There are new and innovative pointing devices that just don’t have room for a scroll wheel. Users are frustrated, everyone complains about it, and there is no apparent solution. Unless you remember Pointix Scroll ++. Unfortunately, I couldn’t even activate the version I purchased because the company is long gone. I tried to contact the original copyright holder, but had no luck (it’s just a generic spam-like advertising site now.). Since the US Copyright Office has given approval to share abandoned software, I’m posting for download Pointix Scroll ++ version 2.05 for Windows (including activation) for anyone else who may need it. Below are details on how to install it and activate it.
Download, Installation, and Configuration Instructions (after the break):
- Download the zip file containing Pointix Scroll ++ 2.05 + activation (as well as PopMouse 3.15 + activation)
- Extract the Zip file (using WinZip or an equivalent)
- Run the file named Pointix Scroll++ 2.05.exe to install (you’ll need to enter your name and a company name – be sure to enter both!)
- Run the file named Pointix Scroll++ 2.05 Activation.exe to activate (you’ll need to again enter your name and a company name)
- If you have issues with activation, try Pin: Netplaque000000000000 (12 zeros) and Password: 00000010 (6 zeros)
- Pointix Scroll++ will load when Windows boots (make sure there is a shortcut to Scroll++ in your Start -> All Programs -> Startup folder)
- Click the Pointix Scroll++ icon in your system tray, select Preferences, and make the following settings